Our Products

Unique Coffins & Urns

Our Unique Exclusive Coffin and Cremation Urn Designs are created by the talented Mark Hobson.

Mark has a passion for photography and the artistic flare and foresight to create meaningful and personalised products, including coffins and cremation urns.

The desired outcome is achieved through close cooperation and  consultation with the family. Once the imagery has been created, a proof is provided for final approval.

Another new concept that is popular with our families, is a variation on our standard size cremation urn. The standard size is suitable for an adult’s ashes. But smaller, half-size cremation urns are now available.

These half-size cremation urns are suitable for families who wish to separate the ashes and divide them between other family members. This size urn is also well suited to the ashes of children and family pets.

All of our Unique Exclusive Urns are available in either full or half sizes.


At A Gentle Touch Funerals, we have perfected our skills to be able to personalise a coffin that will be a fitting tribute to your loved one. 

The options are endless. You can choose to celebrate your loved one’s athletic/ sporting career with a collage of pictures from their very first games at an early age, right through to the ultimate achievement at the Olympic Games or Grand Final! 

You could also simply choose to celebrate the best Nan and Pop to many grandchildren.

Personalising a coffin or cremation urn with photographic images of  family and memorable occasions is a surprisingly effective way for everyone at the funeral to celebrate the very special life of a loved one.

All our exclusive unique range of coffins and cremations urns are publicly available for purchase.

The coffins we produce  can also be ordered for sale to your local  funeral director. Delivery is Australia-wide. Please contact our office for further details, information and timeframes.

Let us help

In your time of need, allow us to help ensure your final goodbyes are made with the warmest of memories. Enter your details below and click SEND. We’ll be back in touch as soon as possible.